Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Roadmap

Custom development for Microsoft Dynamics 365 will streamline processes, reduce admin and simplify workloads across marketing, sales and customer services.

Why Choose QGate as your Dynamics 365 implementation partner?

Implementing a CRM can be a daunting process. Formed in 1997, QGate has over 25 years experience of building, installing and supporting CRM solutions, so you can trust us with yours.

Our project methodology – the QGate CRM Roadmap – is honed to deliver better results, faster, and with less effort for our customers.

The process starts with us getting to know your business and understanding your strategic goals. Our business analysts, project managers and developers then work together to implement you a CRM custom-designed to make your day-to-day business easier.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM can save your business time and money, and improve both customer and employee experiences. 

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Discover – Business Preparation and Strategy Definition

Before any development takes place, we focus on understanding your business needs. We will look at your current technology infrastructure, data sources, business functions and processes. Together we will unearth the challenges currently affecting your organisation and plan how your CRM can address these. 


Evaluate – Process Map and Scope, Prioritisation and Roadmap

QGate will uncover processes to be managed by the CRM and discuss roles and permissions to establish measures of success. The outcome will be a Delivery Statement of Work that details your requirements list, the commercial agreement and a quotation of cost and time needed. We’ll put this in place to have a common goal ensure you’re getting what you need out of a new or upgraded CRM.

Build – Design, Develop and Test

We can now begin your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM custom development.  Using agile software development methodology, we break the project into weekly ‘sprint’ cycles. This means we can show you early and regular progress updates on the CRM. At this stage, we will accommodate feedback, too. Your CRM platform will be complete at Sprint 999. This is go live.

Implement – Train, Deploy and Support

At QGate, we want to ensure the successful implementation of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM and see it become part of your organisation’s community and processes. After go live, we continue to support your team, managing deployment, providing CRM training and handling feedback. Our aim is for you to experience every benefit of a bespoke CRM. 


Grow – Support, Optimise and Grow

Even after the initial go-live and implementation phase, QGate will continue to provide support. Once the initial CRM is embedded in a business, we typically find that requests for additional integrations, functionality and automations follow. Our CRM Follow-On projects are given the same care and attention you received during the initial 365 implementation.

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QGate CRM Roadmap Report
Implement Your Dynamics 365 CRM with QGate

Begin your CRM journey in the safe hands of QGate’s experienced team.

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